My policies & Disclaimer
I sure do appreciate you stopping by and hope you’ve had a good visit. I’m known for teaching people to cultivate and honor healthy boundaries. To that end, I have this policies and disclaimer page. It’s a great way to honor your boundaries, my boundaries, and as my favorite lawyer says, it’s important to “CYA”.
By visiting the site you are consenting to the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of the site. No fast ones here! Just solid terms, respect, and integrity. The policies will likely be updated from time to time, and as a visitor to the site, you are acknowledging your responsibility to review and be aware of any modifications. So don’t be a stranger!
I don’t think I speak the Gospel or am manna from heaven. All that you see and read here is informed by my training, experiences, and education, but in the end, it is my opinion and you are responsible for discerning what is right for you. While I have hopes and believe this can be deeply powerful and transformative work, I make no guarantees that you will have any specific experience or outcome. Randi Buckley will be released from any blame or claim arising from any detrimental situation occurring from following any advice given.
No Advertising or Sponsored Posts
I do not accept paid advertisements. I do not sell text links or guest posts of any kind. No affiliation compensation is received in any way for mention of any third party products or services. If I mention or link to a third party, it’s a “love link” based on my respect. Even then, no guarantee for a specific experience or outcome is given.
Content, Downloads, Copyright, & Comments
Unless otherwise stated, all content, including words, photos, videos, downloads, including free materials and paid-for coaching courses, are copyright to Randi Buckley. All rights reserved. I’m delighted to have you share my work, BUT, BUT, BUT please label it as my work and content, and link back to the original source. Because, really. That’s the decent thing to do.
“Collective Consciousness” is no excuse for theft. Don’t use my work commercially or pass it off as your own for sheer fun or for profit. It’s a huge bummer and I’m not cool with it.
It’s better ask to ask permission than beg forgiveness, here. If you have questions, please contact me.
Comments, questions and insights are welcomed on any blog posts. I thank you in advance for your contributions to the blog dialogue. I try to respond to all comments within 48 hours, but if you find that you need specific help sooner, please contact me via email. Randi Buckley reserves the right to remove any comments that are deemed inappropriate or detrimental to the overall positive goals of this website.
And this is not written in stone. We are allowed to change our minds, evolve, or hold different opinions and beliefs over time. That’s the human experience and as a human, my ideas might change too. That might be reflected in blog posts, tone, courses, content, or the like. Join in the conversation and we can evolve together.
No refunds are offered for the purchase of courses, coaching, or any sales through randibuckley.com, or through Randi Buckley. All sales are final.
If you are or have travelled to an event or retreat offered by Randi or her associates, please note all sales are final and non-refundable. We do not guarantee any particular or certain outcome or results having participated in this experience, but suspect good things will happen. Nonetheless, please note any travel, lodging, or related expenses incurred by participants are their own responsibility and not subject to reimbursement if a retreat or event must be cancelled due to illness, life-events, global pandemics, weather, travel issues, or any Acts of God, or the like. We really don’t want to, nor have we, ever cancelled an event but we have to put this out there for mutual understanding. Boundaries, after all!

Privacy Policy
Randi Buckley is not at all interested in violating your privacy or contributing to the violation of it. I have enough on my plate. I never sell, nor redistribute your information to anyone. Any information collected is for the sole purpose of Randi Buckley’s blog and coaching practice. Some information on how data is sometimes collected from you includes:
On blog posts, your name, email and URL are collected on comments.
Your name and your email are collected if you wish to sign up on my newsletter.
When you fill out a "contact" form on my Contact page, your email, and name are collected when you submit the form to get in touch with me.
Cookies & Tracking Activity: This site may record information in relation to your use of the site, such as pages visited, searches, referring URL and timestamp. This information is anonymous and only used for market research. This site may collect information about your visit through the use of cookies. You may opt out at any time by modifying your browser settings, however, some areas of this site may stop functioning properly. I don’t have the bandwidth (or to be honest, the technical knowledge) to even know what to do with this information. It’s safe by default, but also through the software I use.
General Terms & Conditions Summary
Randi Buckley and all content from and information is subject to change, and there I make no representation or warranty that the information provided is reliable, current, free of errors or completely accurate at all times. The content is created by Randi Buckley and external information collected is credited to other sites as necessary. Randi Buckley will not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or incompleteness in the content, or any issues arising from the information therein. Content within this blog is intended for information purposes only, and no guarantees will be given that the advice or content will work for everyone. Randi Buckey will not be liable for any losses, damages, injuries or etc that arise from the use of the information found on randibuckley.com.
Phew! That was a lot! It's like the fine print on the medicine bottle, and it's important. Thank you for checking it out.
And really, thanks for stopping by!
With gratitude,